Tuesday, August 23, 2011


Dear Peanut,
Tonight I had your Anatomy Ultrasound.  It was a late appointment, 6pm, which the nurse at Womack Hospital explained they deliver over 300 babies a month so they offer late u/s appt.  Being that the appt was at 6pm, I was the last appointment of the day.  Boy did this turn into a wonderful thing.  What normally would have been about 30ish minute u/s appt, turned into an hour long appt.

Victoria is the lady who administered the u/s and man was she fabulous.  She explained all the pictures she took of you for your charts (over 40 pictures).  I explained how daddy is deployed right now and how you are also due around your brother's birthday.  Victoria was just as sweet and caring as she could be!

40 something pictures later, it came time to make sure you are in fact a boy.  Right away she pointed out your "Pickles" and "Penis".  Wait...what?!?! Pickles???  Yep, she explained to me that you indeed were a boy because here were your "pickles and penis".  Oh, how I started laughing.  "Pickles" was a new one for me I tell you.  By the way, I tell you this story now because I know when you became a man and have "man humor", you will find it very funny that you manhood was called "Pickles" at one time.

After we both stopped laughing a miracle happened.  Well Victoria and I are calling it a miracle so a miracle it is.  With the 40 something pictures she took of you she just could not get a clear view of your face.  She then proceeded to talk to you in this very, very, high pitch voice and BAM!! You moved your arms away from you face, moved your head, and started blinking your eyes. 

I gasped because it was unreal to see your eyes blink already.  Then you stopped and proceeded to wink with your right eye.  Victoria was pretty shocked as well on how clear your blink and then winks were.  So for the next 5 minutes she left the wand on my belly and she continued to talk in her very high pitch excited voice.  Victoria and I watched you, this miracle of a child, wink and smile for the camera.  Yes I typed that correctly...smiled!!  Two times in fact and with a picture to prove it.

See I have been so sick this pregnancy.  As well as this tiny feeling the past 23 weeks that there was something wrong with you.  Maybe it was left over fear from the miscarriage or your dad not home to share my emotions/feelings with, but I have had this nagging feeling that there was something wrong with you. 

Well tonight, you and God showed me that you are perfectly fine.  Between the blink, winks of right eye, and the two smiles you gave, this complete calm feeling came over me.  It truly felt like you were giving me a message of "Relax mom! I'm okay!"  While I was lying on that table, you somehow managed to make me feel even more thankful and blessed that I get to be your mom!!! 

In about 4 months, I will finally be able to hold you in my arms.  Tell you face to face just how much your father and I love you.   I truly look forward to watching you grow, forming a brotherly bond with Gabriel, and seeing what type of man you become.  If tonight is any indication, son you are going to accomplish/do amazing things in this world!
I love you dearly and can't wait to hold you!!

Your 1st smile....to me
(By the way, not sure why this chin is coming from HA!)


  1. How truly wonderful! I'm so glad Mr. Peanut gave you some peace about how you've been feeling. I pray the rest of your time goes smoothly. You deserve it my sweet friend!

  2. So sweet, Rachel! I'm happy to hear you have a healthy little man in utero!

  3. Awww... too sweet. Not too much longer ;-)

  4. Thanks Ladies!!! It was truly a wonderful way to end a crazy Tuesday of Earthquake and preparation for the Hurrican.


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